English version follows below:

Una carta abierta para mis compatriotas mexicanos:

Soy un ciudadano mexicano que tiene varios años viviendo en los Estados Unidos y creo no equivocarme al decir que a todos nos molesta la forma en que Donald Trump sigue atacando a México y a los mexicanos. Nos encontramos en una situación muy difícil y es el momento para unirnos, respaldando a nuestro país y a nuestras instituciones gubernamentales. Sin duda sufrimos de problemas internos significantes, empezando con serios fallos gubernamentales. Pero la amenaza de Donald Trump es tan enorme que debemos enfrentarla como un pueblo unido.

Entendiblemente, la animosidad que expresa Trump hacia México ha dado raíz al nacionalismo y a los boicots de productos norteamericanos. Pero también debemos reconocer que muchos norteamericanos rotundamente se oponen a Donald Trump – solo hay que ver las enormes manifestaciones a lo largo de los Estados Unidos para confirmar que hay ciudadanos del pueblo norteamericano que no está de acuerdo con la política anti-mexicana que Trump expresa. Debemos aliarnos con estos vecinos e amigos y laborar juntamente para silenciar la política de odio de Donald Trump.

Con ese fin, hay que escoger cuidadosamente cuales compañías norteamericanas debemos boicotear en oposición de la política del gobierno Trump. Por ejemplo, existe un boicot de Starbucks en México. Pero también hay un boicot en contra de Starbucks en los Estados Unidos, por razones totalmente opuestas a las de los consumidores mexicanos. En México, se oponen a esta empresa simplemente porque es de su origen norteamericano. Pero en Estados Unidos son los consumidores que apoyan a Donald Trump los que están boicoteando a Starbucks. ¿Por qué? Porque Starbucks abiertamente se opuso a la suspensión de la entrada migratoria a ciudadanos de Siria y de otros países musulmanes. Es decir que Starbucks – aun siendo empresa norteamericana – merece nuestro apoyo y afiliación económica por el simple hecho de que públicamente y con hechos está resistiendo las políticas de intolerancia de Trump.

Aquí les paso un resumen de compañías que debemos todos boicotear hasta que la política de odio e intolerancia que representa Donald Trump se extinga. Estas empresas son compañías norteamericanas que apoyan a Donald Trump con hechos, con palabras, con políticas corporativas y/o con dinero. Estaremos actualizando esta lista cada que identifiquemos otra empresa o compañía que preste ayuda o contribuya en alguna manera a Trump y su administración.

Todos juntos – como mexicanos y como vecinos binacionales – podemos armar una campaña de resistencia en contra de Trump y darle a el y a todos los que lo apoyan en donde más le duele: en el bolsillo. La única manera de desmantelar las iniciativas contra la injusticia social y moral que Trump promueve es demostrándole que nuestro país, nuestras familias y nuestro dinero tienen valor.

Por último, también los invito a usar las redes sociales para decirle a nuestro presidente lo siguiente:
Al gobierno del Sr. Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto, le llamo la atención que ya llego el momento de respaldar y de defender el honor de México. El dialogo y la colaboración son importante, más cuando se trata de relaciones entre países. Comprendemos que la economía mexicana requiere de la cooperación de Estados Unidos, pero también es importante que nuestra dignidad sea lo primero que se defiende. Le ruego que deje de guiarse por el protocolo diplomático porque el gobierno de Donald Trump tal diálogo. Hay que decirle a Trump, simple y sencillamente, que México no es el patio trasero de Estados Unidos y recordarle que hoy y siempre nuestro país, nuestras familias y nuestro dinero tienen valor.

El pueblo mexicano se lo demanda y se lo pido yo.

Su servidor,
Martín Paredes P.

An Open Letter to My Fellow Mexicans:

I am a Mexican citizen who has lived in the United States for many years and I’m likely not alone in voicing my strong dislike of Donald Trump’s incendiary attacks on México and his hateful rhetoric towards Mexicans. Despite the fact that México finds itself amid tumultuous political and economic times, it is imperative that we come together, showing solidarity for our country and for its governmental institutions. Clearly, México has its share of internal conflicts, at the heart of which are many systemic governmental failures. Yet the threat of Donald Trump is so dangerous that it can only be confronted if we stand together.

Understandably, the animosity Trump harbors against México has given rise to expressions of nationalism and boycotts of U.S. brands and products by Mexican consumers. But we should also be cognizant of the fact that many U.S. citizens categorically oppose Donald Trump – you have only to witness the thousands of protestors in cities all across the United States to confirm that Trump’s anti-immigrant, anti-México rhetoric is neither accepted nor shared by a majority of the citizens he is beholden to represent and respect.

We must align ourselves with these like-minded neighbors and work together with them to silence the hate that Donald Trump personifies.

To that end, we must carefully choose which companies to boycott, instead of categorically boycotting all U.S. companies. For instance, there is a trending boycott against Starbucks in México. But there’s also a boycott in the U.S. against the very same company – for completely different reasons and by a completely different group of people. In México, consumers are boycotting Starbucks simply because it is a U.S.-based company. But in the U.S., the people who are boycotting Starbucks are pro-Trump supporters. Why? Because Starbucks publicly spoke out against Trump’s ban of Syrian refugees and other Muslims seeking legal entry into the United States.

In other words, even though Starbucks is a U.S.-based company, they merit the support and patronage of Mexican consumers because they have actively demonstrated their opposition to Trump’s intolerance.

Below is a list companies that we should be boycotting until Donald Trump’s campaign of intolerance and hate is extinguished. These U.S. companies have supported Donald Trump in public discourse, with actions that further his agenda, via corporate policy and/or through financial contributions. We will update this list as we identify additional companies or organizations that lend their support to Trump or otherwise help in furthering his antiimmigrant, anti-México agenda.

Together – as Mexicans and allied with our bi-national neighbors – we can build a resistance against Trump and his supporters, hitting them where it hurts them the most: right in their bottom line. The best way to defeat Trump’s campaign against social and moral injustice is showing him the true value of México, and its citizens.

Lastly, I invite you to use your social media network to send this message to our president:

To President Enrique Peña Nieto, now is the time to speak up and defend the sovereignty and honor of México. We acknowledge that dialogue and collaboration are the cornerstones of international relations. We understand that the Mexican economy is inextricably tied to that of the United States, and vice versa. But the world is watching, and it is imperative that you defend our national dignity when it is under attack. I ask you to abandon the tepid tone of diplomatic protocol because Donald Trump has clearly demonstrated that he neither deserves nor comprehends such subtlety. You must tell Trump, clearly and unequivocally, that México is neither a subject nor a colony of his administration and you must remind him that our country, our people and our economy continue to have an intrinsic value for the United States that demands its respect. México demands this and I personally ask you as well.

Martin Paredes

Visit this link for the latest boycott list.

Martin Paredes

Martín Paredes is a Mexican immigrant who built his business on the U.S.-Mexican border. As an immigrant, Martín brings the perspective of someone who sees México as a native through the experience...

5 replies on “Una carta abierta para mis compatriotas mexicanos”

  1. Martin
    Really! The Mexican people will not even stand up and take their own country back from the thugs and corrupt politicians in Mexico. 20 million + have fled Mexico illegal into the U.S. and those like yourself who come legally to escape the paradise which Mexico represent.
    Once again Martin you are like the neighbor who complaints about others in the neighborhood not keeping their grass cut short enough but at the same time has a junk yard in their own front yard. Then goes to the neighbor’s house for refuge from their own self made cesspool and complain about the accommodations their neighbor afforded them.
    Here is some facts that question what you support.
    Mexico is an open market of importing and exporting of illegal immigrants. Mexico has has a whole economy based around just human trafficking . Martin where is your self righteous out rage? No need to answer you have none!
    Snow flakes in America want to talk and complain about a rape culture America just go to Mexico to see a real rape culture that revolves around the women who are illegal immigrants and young girls. In Mexico some of these Women and girls are sold just like slaves to the sex industries of Mexico. Martin you even have open trafficking of children for the sex trade industry in Mexico. Outrage Martin?
    The killing and thuggery against illegal immigrants in Mexico is appalling not just by the thug class in Mexico but by the police,military and those in the Mexican government.
    Nope Martin by supporting illegal immigration you support untold misery of helpless Men,Women and Children that is simply unconscionable putting then at the mercy of thugs and the corrupt government of Mexico. Closing our borders and controlling illegal immigration is the humane thing to do and it also needs to start with Mexico closing it’s southern borders and then shutting down the economy surrounding human traffic which abounds in Mexico.
    You Martin complain about the mote in your neighbor’s as you ignore the log in your own eye.

  2. You want President Nieto to defend Mexico’s honor? A country with an economy that will not support its citizens has no honor. A country whose major source of income is drugs and money wired from the US has no honor. Sorry, Martin, blaming Mexico’s problems on the US is a transparent attempt to avoid looking at the real source of the problem.

  3. I think of Mexico as the Ukraine to the south of us, a country in perpetual shoot-themselves-in-the-foot mode.

  4. Sr. Paredes.

    Lástima que la primera carta que yo veo en éste blog, que se dirige a Enrique Peña Nieto see trata de sus quejas de éste pais, y no los de Mexico. Pero bueno, a lo mejor era necesario que Trump les diera en la madre a México para que los Mexicanos se pusieran listos a respeto de la situacion Mexicana. Ahora si, bien patriotas, no? “Mexicanos al grito de guerra…” Si al grito de guerra, hasta que empieze la balaceria de los narcos.

    Tambien los que escriben Español, apoyan éste pais.

  5. Translation:

    Mr. Paredes,

    How unfortunate that the first letter on this blog addressed to Enrique Peña Nieto is about this country and not the problems of Mexico. Perhaps it was necessary for someone like Trump to be critical of Mexico for Mexicans to begin to address the situation there (incidentally, I see a lot of Mexican flags on social media now). Suddenly, everyone is very patriotic.

    The Mexican national anthem says, “Mexicans at the cry of war…” At the cry of war…that is until the narco bulletc start flying and then it’s every man for himself.

    Those who write Spanish also support this country.

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