armendariz-linkdinBack in the beginning of this year, I wrote a blog where I detailed for you how the MaxPowers’ Blog is nothing more than a tool for the Forma Group’s whisper campaigns on behalf of their clients. Those not up to date on the political shenanigans of the Forma Group may want to use the search feature on my blog to read some of my posts on them. After exposing the Forma Group’s and specifically Ricardo “Rick” Armendariz’ connection to the blog he pretty much went quiet.

As a matter of fact, some readers have shared with me their own information connecting the two together. MaxPowers denied being connected to the Forma Group and continues to do so today. As I wrote on my original blog post, liars frequently go on attack mode when they feel they are being exposed. Instead of reasoned arguments stating their case they attempt to distract to keep their secret intact.

Like then, MaxPowers is again on attack mode doing everything he can to convince the world that he is not connected to the Forma Group. On December 11, 2014, MaxPowers demanded that Jaime Abeytia post on his blog that MaxPowers is not Rick Armendariz, Mark Smith, or for that matter connected to Forma Group. MaxPowers threatened to release purported emails between himself and Abeytia’s close friends Veronica Escobar and Vince Perez if Abeytia did not comply. MaxPowers gave Abeytia until December 14 to comply.

Rather than comply, Abeytia responded with a challenge to go ahead and release the emails.

MaxPowers’ response? Some convoluted response about Veronica Escobar emailing MaxPowers instead of Rick Armendariz about some post. As the issue of MaxPowers being connected to the Forma Group has been on the local political scene for about a year I found it curious that MaxPowers would make this demand now. It isn’t like I’m the only one making the connection. Numerous comments on different sites have made the same connection for a while now. Some of them unrelated to me or my blog. The whole exchange between MaxPowers and Jaime Abeytia only reinforces for me the connection between MaxPowers and the Forma Group. However, why did this come up now?

Simple, the Forma Group relies on political seasons in order to generate the revenues they need to remain in business. We are entering the next political season and the Forma Group is desperately looking for clients. They can’t have politicians knowing that the Forma Group relies on a sexual pervert to create whisper campaigns and therefore they need to create the illusion that MaxPowers and the Forma Group aren’t connected. Besides, a whisper campaign needs an anonymous vehicle to manipulate the political scene and Forma’s connection to MaxPowers defeats the entire scheme.

In essence, I believe he doth protest too much.

Martin Paredes

Martín Paredes is a Mexican immigrant who built his business on the U.S.-Mexican border. As an immigrant, Martín brings the perspective of someone who sees México as a native through the experience...

8 replies on “Forma Group’s Blog”

  1. Martin,

    Why would a Forma affiliated blogger savage Forma’s clients so often? That’s what the elephant in the room is.

    You also miss Abeytia’s motive for going after Forma. Look closer.

      1. I do not know how much clearer I can be. My largest clients in El Paso are the City of El Paso and the County of El Paso. Choose to believe it or not I’m no longer playing this game with you.

  2. Hear, Hear, is the old west and owned by those with dip pockets. The media reminds me everyday of little mice coming to feed on properly placed cheese. The Silent Majority needs to speak out. How can we give a free jail card to every-day-corrupt-theaving-attorneys and place everyday citizens in jail for stealing a beer.

  3. you are on to something. david k is helping the forma group protest too much. i went back to read old forma blogs and there’s only one forma client they love and that is the state rep that beat that paul moreno. who are the other clients? are they on attack so clients pay them more $$$ or old ones hire them back?

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